Friday, August 5, 2011

If I Had All the Time in the World

I would not have gotten aggravated at the Vivint alarm system guy who conned his way into our home and took up our entire Saturday night talking to us for 4 hours about a security system, that we are now trying for free for 1 month, that we don't really need.  (That is one of the many reasons I put up with the giant shedding dog that is "Pete" living in my home.)

I always feel like I never have enough time to do the things I want or need to do.  I know that I am not alone in this but I am having a hard time coming up with a solution.  I guess I could eliminate hobbies, friends, church, pets, and cooking from my life and then I would have a lot of time.  That sounds like a great life, doesn't it?   I guess I should just be thankful that I have more than enough things to fill my time  which equals a very full, even if a bit crazy, life.

I have been putting forth a little effort to wake up at 5:30 in the morning to have a little "me" time and spend some time on my hobbies or things that I don't get to do during the day.  By "putting forth a little effort" I mean "setting the alarm on my phone to 5:30." That is as far as I have gotten.

Having a 3 month old doesn't allow for a lot of time to do "me" stuff, but then I realize that spending time with Mason is "me" stuff.  Even if someone offered to keep Mason all day long while I studied photography, blogged, worked out, got a tan,  tried out new recipes, etc. I wouldn't want them to.  So, basically, I am doing exactly what I want (other than working :) ).

Here are some sweet photos of my little man that I snapped the other night during his bath time.  Ben is the primary bath giver as it gives him and Mason some quality time together each day.  I love watching them do their little rituals.  Hopefully more on this later if I can squeeze in some time to edit the photos!



Jenn said...

Katie! Those pictures are absolutely adorable : )

Jenn said...

Katie! Those pictures are absolutely adorable : )

Cara Highfield said...

Hey i heard there't this awesome new blog at
you should check it out.....