Thursday, March 11, 2010

Here, There, Everywhere

I just returned from my "girls weekend" trip with 4 of my best friends from high school, two of which I have known since I was five years old (that's 22 years!) and two I have known since I was 10. Thus, it may go without saying that these girls know me pretty well. Us five friends from 3 different cities all met up at Ashley's husband's family's (say that 5 times fast) beach house in Topsail, North Carolina. The photo above was taken there on the first evening that we arrived. Haley gives a more detailed description of our trip, as well as more lovely photos, here if you are interested. You have to scroll down to get to her beach posts though. Haley is an avid blogger and is actually up to date on her posts, unlike yours truly.

I can't say enough good things about these girls, our friendship, and the fun time that we had catching up with each other. It is amazing to me how much we have in common after all of these years, yet how individually unique our personalities are. I learned so much in the short time I spent with them and laughed my head off in the process!

At the beach I was able to get a little R and R and I enjoyed reading a little "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. I am only a few chapters into this book but I am really enjoying it so far. You can find out more about it at

I haven't mentioned yet that I am changing jobs AGAIN. I resigned from the "back up pharmacist" job that I mentioned a while back and I am going back full time with Wally World. However, this time, I will have a REGULAR SCHEDULE and I'll be at the SAME STORE every day of work!!! I cannot imagine what it will be like to have a routine and a normal schedule after 2 years of craziness. I am so thankful for this opportunity! I have about a month and a half left of floating before I take my permanent spot. Can I get a Halelujah?

And I leave you with this picture of "Mr. Tweeters". (Remember, the title of this blog is "Here, There, and Everywhere.") I mean, I haven't actually named him yet, as I am still trying to figure out what in the world he's doing. He is actually sitting in the window above my front door looking at me as I type.

"Mr. Tweeters" showed up shortly after Ben and I got married. He started out coming to the master bathroom window and tapping on it. He tapped so loudly that it would actually wake me up. I would walk into the bathroom and "Mr. Tweeters" would be sitting there clasping on to the window screen with his little feet looking right at me. Sometimes he'd come to my bedroom window and tap. I couldn't figure out what he wanted. I have bought this fool thistle seed, my mom has bought him a bluebird house for me to hang up (which I did) and a bird feeder (which I put out and filled up with the thistle because I read that is what he likes), all trying to appease him. Over a year later, this guy (who also has a female bluebird that he flies around with) continues to tap on my windows. He comes to all the windows in my family room, kitchen, and above my front door. He taps and then looks at me through the windows. "Mr. Tweeters" and his female companion have actually inhabited the bird house which makes me very excited. I'll post pics of that whenever I put them on the computer. However, he doesn't seem to like the thistle.... I dunno. Why the incessant tapping? What does he want?? Any ideas?


Unknown said...

I started reading "crazylove" but of course didn't finish it, but what I did read of it was awesome. I need to finish it! I love that you have a "pet" bird. That is so neat. Maybe he's trying to get you to put something else for him to eat in the feeder. Let me know if that works ;)

Katie said...

Haha! Maybe so! I read that they also like to eat mill worms, but I hate worms and can't bring myself to get any. Maybe I can figure out a more attainable food and try that!

Haley said...

I love what you did to the beach picture. That verse is one of my very favorites. And that picture of Tweeters! WOW! He is so in focus. I don't think I could do that with my camera. I would end up getting some random branch or bloom. He is really blue too.

I will keep you updated on the freezer mania. I had intended to cook today but got home and I am absolutely exhausted. Maybe tomorrow. Or maybe I'm a quitter already. Hmmm. Blast.