Well, it's finally fall! Don't get me wrong, I like summer, but fall is my favorite time of year! I will do my annual "Things I Love About Fall" post a little later, but for now I need to recap a few things and post some pictures for memory's sake... Remember back in July when I wrote A ((as in singular) post and mentioned that I was in Blue Ridge at a cabin waiting on my family to arrive? Well, here are the events as follows.... And following those events... the trip to Elijay for Ben's family reunion!
(All of these photos (except 2 of them) are strait out of the camera taken with my 50mm lens. A lot of them could use some touching up, but I love the pictures that this lens takes! )
Blue Ridge Family Vacation
My family, part of which were supposed to arrive around 5, arrived well after midnight due to several various setbacks including that the Garmin is a liar and tells people to turn onto roads that don't exist. Anyway, I was sitting in the mysterious 3 story cabin surrounded by woods for several hours at night alone. Thank goodness I had the dogs because it was creepy! No blinds or curtains on the windows... not sure what was in the basement... etc. Anyway, the rest of the family (except Ben who had to work until Sunday) finally did show up.
Matt was exhausted from his summer job as a landscaper in the 100+ degree heat. In fact, that is probably the only reason I was able to get any photos of him on this whole trip. He hates it when I try to take his picture. But I got some. Sucker. Oh, and the little white dogs, Henry and Scooter, LOVE him. And they drive him insane. I think it's hilarious.
This is my sister at breakfast the next morning. We laughed at this picture for an hour.
We spent most of our time at the cabin just playing in the creek, fishing, and walking in the forrest that surrounded the property. It was a beautiful place and we definitely left saying how much we look forward to going back.
The boys watching Matt fish...
Matt is so excited that Pete got in the water with him while he was trying to fish.
I really love this picture of my dad.
Here is the cabin's kitchen. It is by far the best cabin we have stayed in. I wish I had taken more photos of it!
So, for a huge surprise, mom hired a chef, yes, a chef to come in and give us a cooking lesson! Our chef's name was Chef Douglas and he came around noon and brought everything needed to prepare a gourmet meal. He taught us how to make crab cakes with sautéed spinach and portobello mushrooms, peach champagne soup, goat cheese bruschetta, and a berry tart with Chantilly cream for dessert. It was amazing! For some reason, Matt and Dad didn't want to stick around for this so they went canoeing and fishing instead.
Chef Douglas actually has a business called "Cabin Cuisine" where he will come to various cabins and prepare meals for the guests or do cooking lessons. I think it is a great idea! Mom, Cara, and I had the best time, loved the food, and learned some good cooking tips!
This swing in the backyard was a favorite spot of all.
Matt and Cara at dinner one night. I really am their sister. We really are blood related.
The dogs absolutely loved playing in the creek that ran behind the cabin. Berkley was a little timid about the water at first but eventually warmed up to it and then turned into a reckless maniac. Berkley and Pete spent most of their time chasing balls that were thrown into the water.
Henry and Scooter wanted to get in the water and play with the big dogs so bad. It was hilarious watching them trying to participate.
One day we took a walk into the surrounding forrest and enjoyed taking a lot of fun nature pictures. This one is my favorite.
My dad was actually wearing a "Bama" shirt here, but I might have taken that out...
Ben and me ready to go out for dinner... I was so glad he didn't have to work the whole weekend and got to come to the cabin for 2 nights. It just isn't the same when he's not around.
Lassiter Family Reunion at Amicalola Falls
I should start by saying that 1. I did a horrible job of taking pictures on this trip and 2. from the beginning I was very concerned about how this trip was going to turn out.... there is a Highfield family curse when it comes to taking trips and I was afraid I had inherited it.
It all began when Berkley and Pete (who were supposed to go on the trip which includes a 4 hour car ride) both got diarrhea the day before we were supposed to leave. I have no idea what caused this, but needless to say we were stopping every hour so or so to ensure that the dogs did not have any accidents in the car. On top of that, the night before we left, Ben discovered that some money had been taken out of my pay check without my permission for a "garnishment." So, we spent the drive up to GA stopping to let the dogs have diarrhea and on the phone with WalMart's garnishment office, a law office, and my district manager. Turns out that some man named Cedric, who also works for Wal Mart, has the same last 4 digits of my ss# and Wal Mart mistakenly took money out of my account instead of his. We are talking about 800 dollars. If we had not caught this mistake, the grand total would've been about 2300 dollars. Soooo, we are off to a great start!
We finally arrive safely to our Cabin in Elijay with no accidents. It was kind of tricky to find and we had to follow a very narrow gravel road to reach it. Ben and I dropped the dogs off at the cabin and went to pick up a few items from the store for lunch and for the reunion cook out the next day at the park. While we were at the store, a huge storm came up with a lot of thunder and sky to ground lightning. When we returned home we discovered that the power was out at our cabin. It really turned out great because we just relaxed, read, and took a nap. It'll be back on in a hour or so, right? Wrong.
Ben's parents made it to the cabin around 8 or so. I am not sure how they were able to find it in the dark! We lit a bunch of candles and sat and talked until Ben and I realized we were really hungry. However, how would we cook anything? Ben had a fabulous idea to cook our frozen pizza on the grill by the light of his cell phone. It was actually very good!
The power stayed off until around 11 AM the following day, just in time for us to get ready to go to the reunion at the park. Almost all of Ben's dad's family was there. Ben's dad is one of 7 children and we were getting together with his parents, the kids, and their families. It was fun getting to know them and we enjoyed hiking the trails at Amicalola falls. I didn't get many good pictures because I was mostly worried about Pete and Berkley. Bringing them to the cookout probably wasn't the best idea, but Ben's little cousins had a good time walking them around on their leashes.
Anyway, that about sums up our summer trips with the families. I hate I didn't get more pictures of Ben's family while we were with them. Hopefully next time Ben's brothers and their families will be able to come too and I am sure there will be plenty of photo opportunities then!
Awww I love this post! Your dogs are freaking hilarious. And I did not know about the CHEF! Oh my gosh that is so awesome!! I would have loved that. Maybe you and Ben can come up and cook those yummy dishes for us here at the Morgan Inn. Ha!
That picture of Berkeley laying in the muddy creek is priceless. It reminds me of a senior portrait, the ones where people randomly lay in creeks.
Because laying in creeks is such a natural pose.
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