Thursday, September 4, 2008

I Evacuated and I Want Fried Chicken

There are about sixty four shelters in Alabama that opened up to house thousands of evacuees from Louisianna. Among those shelters are a few local churches here in Montgomery. The people of these churches gave up time during their holiday weekend to go and prepare food for those currently residing at the church. For the most part the response was great. Many people were very thankful to be taken care of. However, other evacuees were asking why they were having to eat hamburgers and hotdogs instead of fried chicken. They wanted someone to literally leave what they were doing and go pick them up some fried chicken. Ok, let's back up.... These people were taken by bus (at no cost to them with the raging gas prices) all the way up to Montgomery, Alabama, given a free place to stay, and given free food. All they had to do in this process was get on the bus. Did I miss something?
And to be fair, not all evacuees are demanding fried chicken. I met a very nice woman from LA who came to the pharmacy yesterday to ask a question. She is in town staying with her sister until they get the ok to go back home. This lady talked to me about how she believed in the power of prayer and that she knew God was taking care of them. She said she had a peace about the situation and knew everything would be ok. She didn't complain about having to leave her home and all of her belongings without knowing when she could return to them. So, as you can see, we have a couple of different types of evacuees on our hands.....
My question is, why are the evacuees receiving all the free stuff complaining and asking for more? Perhaps it's because they are spoiled by government hand outs... I dunno.


Haley said...

I totally agree. They should have stayed behind with their 12-piece KFC bucket and gotten swept away by the salty waters of the Gulf.

Seriously, how ungrateful!

Kristy said...

uh-uh. seriously? oh my gosh... I can just hear it. Mmmm... that chicken!