Monday, April 16, 2012

Crocs, Swings, and Friends

It all started with a pair of Crocs.  No, it all started when Mason learned to walk.  "This baby needs some shoes," I thought to myself.  "I know, I'll get him some Crocs.  Crocs are cute and practical and he can wear them all summer long with all his play clothes."  But wouldn't you know, they have a million pairs of cute girl crocs in tiny sizes and like 3 pairs of ugly boy crocs in tiny sizes.  I ended up having to pay 10 dollars more to get the "chameleon crocs" that change colors in the sun.  Not that Mason could care less or even notice if they changed colors, but because those were the only cute ones in his size.  I am too embarrassed to say how much they were, but it wasn't until I pulled them out at the zoo (after spending a good hour debating in my head if I should keep them) that I realized they turn bright blue and yellow in the sun.  Oh well.... He has shoes.

 So, Friday morning, Mason and I loaded up, bought some Crocs, and then went to pick up the twins and their momma to meet our friends Kristen and Parker at the zoo.  I love having this zoo pass!

Mason was enthralled with most of the exhibits.  The exhibit pictured above is really neat because you get to walk in there with all the parakeets, pet them, and feed them, and get as close as you like.

 Mason especially loves exhibits where he can attempt to climb up fences, etc.  At one point, when we stopped to feed the twins, he figured out how to slide underneath the bar on his stroller and get out of it.  Then he was running around with only one Croc on because he kept trying to pull them off.  It only makes sense that he would hate wearing them.  In the photo below I was trying to hold Mason to keep him from attempting to climb the fence while taking the photo.  (He is watching the monkeys.)

Mason likes his friend Parker who was born in July after Mason was born in April.  I think Mason is asking Parker if he likes the Rhino exhibit.  If Parker had his paci in his mouth, you would then see Mason trying to pull it out.  Since Mason stopped taking a paci around 2 months or before, he doesn't really know what they are so when he sees babies with them he pulls them out of their mouths.

The twins thought the zoo was boring and slept through most of it.  But hey, at least they came.  

 Here is our group photo.  All of the kids looking out at the elephants.  Izzy and Lily can't get enough.

Then we decided to take a turn on the swings.  At first Mason thought this was sort of fun.

Then he wasn't so sure.

Then he thought he might puke.

Parker was loving it!

Then he rubbed it in Mason's face that he was having a blast and Mason was about to barf.

I promptly removed Mason from the swings at this point.

And here are Mason's friends' mommas a.k.a. my friends...  Kristen

And Shana
(the twins are so excited)

The peacocks apparently get to have the run of the zoo.

And for you pharmacy people out there, I took one look at this sign and read, "Sumatriptan Tiger Exhibit."  Then I thought, who knew drug companies would advertise at the zoo?  Then I thought, wait, sumatriptan is generic so they wouldn't advertise that.  Then I read it again. Oh. I am crazy.

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