Monday, July 13, 2009

Here's To

Love it! Love it! Love it! Of course, I may be a little partial since this is the work of one of my best friends.  But, even if it wasn't, I'd still love it.  In fact, my home page is the Quick and Easy page on  

Here are a few reasons why I love this website:

1. The "1 List, 5 Meals" feature. Click on it and you will have a printable list to take with you to the grocery store.  With this handy list you can easily purchase all of the ingredients necessary to produce that week's delectable five meals that are planned out for you in advance. Very convenient. 

2. The "My Recipe File" option.  Any recipe I see on that I want to remember, I simply save to my recipe file.  In the file you can create your own different "cookbook" folders and place your recipes accordingly. 

3. "7 Ways With"  This features a specific ingredient (fish, coffee, blueberries, etc.) and gives you seven yummy ways to prepare it.

4. "How To" This offers short videos on "How To's" such as, "How to Boil and Egg" or "How to Sharpen Knives" 

5. "Menus and Parties" This section features different themes of parties complete with appropriate recipes. For example, I wanted to go on a picnic so I searched here for fun picnic recipes and wa-la (yes, I know, incorrect spelling)! Pineapple Chicken Salad here I come! (Of course I have yet to do the picnic idea, but I have thought about it.)

Anyway, there are countless things to explore on this website and I have just touched on a few features.  If you haven't been there, check it out. You won't be disappointed!


A said...

I'm so proud. :)

Haley said...

Mary Ella and I will gladly join you for an picnic. Any day, any time. You name it.

Kristy said...

Oh, this is very cool! I'm going there NOW!