Friday, July 10, 2009

Irrational Compulsion for a Balanced Meal

Am I the only person who has this issue?  Allow me to explain... Yesterday I worked in Clanton, Alabama from 10:00 to 8:00.  Usually the pharmacist who works the closing shift will take the second lunch.  Depending on how the day is going, second lunch my not come around till three o'clock or later.  Being the responsible planner that I am, I grabbed a snack baggie full of Cheez Its and hit the road knowing that I would need that cheesy goodness come 11:00 to hold me until three.  Well, I accidently filled my Cheez It bag a little too full.  When lunch time came around I was not hungry at all, but due to my "irrational compulsion for a balanced meal" I headed to Peach Park to find something for lunch.  

I looked at the menu.  I knew there was nothing I really wanted.  However, I was not satisfied with only a bag of Cheez Its for lunch. I needed side items. I needed real food. So, I ordered the half chicken plate complete with baked beans and potato salad.  Why? 

I once a accompanied Ben to a cook out at Ben Blanchard's house.  Needless to say, it was all guys and me.  My Ben volunteered to bring the sausage.  Ben B. and his roommate provided chicken and deer meat.  I sat down at the table, surrounded by all the various meats and thought... hmmm, something's missing. Side items? So, Justin pulls out some week old mac and cheese which the guys apparently thought nothing of and just gobbled it up.  So, I made this mental note that males do not require side items (read: a balanced meal). 

So, is this a girl thing? Is it girls who need an entree and side items? A sandwich for lunch and not just a bag of Cheez Its? Am I the only one?

Side Note: The picture above was taken by my brother when he was playing around with my new camera at the beach.  I didn't have any pictures of balanced meals that would be fitting for this entry. Sorry.  Beach pictures to come!


McKinney Madness said...

I would have to agree with you- Trey can eat straight up meat with nothing else for dinner. Me on the other hand... I need some carbs and veggies before the meal is complete. I don't get it, but then again I never have understood men!

Katie said...

Haha! Glad I'm not the only one!

A said...

You're not alone! I need to sit and have a plated dinner. Brian can munch on hummus or chips/salsa and be fine for dinner. Ironically, his parents are a direct inverse of us, with his dad requiring the sit-down and his mom perfectly happy munching as she goes along. Crazy!

Katie said...

Hm, so I guess it's not just a girl thing...Interesting